
安琪拉王者荣耀台词语音播放怎么设置 安琪拉王者荣耀台词语音播放大全

2024-07-04 147 危机的小鸽子
本文导读安琪拉王者荣耀台词语音播放怎么设置安琪拉王者荣耀台词语音播放大全安琪拉王者荣耀台词语音播放怎么设置 As a popular mobile game, Honor of Kings (王者荣耀) h



As a popular mobile game, Honor of Kings (王者荣耀) has gained immense popularity among players worldwide. One of the most beloved heroes is Angela (安琪拉), and fans often want to set voice play for her character. In this article, we will guide you on how to set up voice play for Angela in Honor of Kings.


"Don't underestimate me, okay?" (不要低估我,好吗?) "I'll show you the true meaning of 'unstoppable'!" (我将向你展示“不可阻止”的真正含义!) "This is the power of An Qi La!" (这是安琪拉的力量!) "Let's settle this once and for all!" (让我们今天就 settle 这个问题一劳永逸!)

The iconic "An Qi La's War Cry" (安琪拉的战争呐喊)

The energizing "An Qi La's Skill Activation Sound" (安琪拉技能激活音效) The dramatic "An Qi La's Teleportation Sound" (安琪拉瞬移音效) The mighty "An Qi La's Ultimate Ability Sound" (安琪拉极端能力音效) "An Qi La's Theme Song" (安琪拉主题曲) - a classic tune that never gets old!

以上是《安琪拉王者荣耀台词语音播放怎么设置 安琪拉王者荣耀台词语音播放大全》文章的所有内容,如果您觉得对您有所帮助,非常希望您能点赞、分享以支持作者及本站。同时您也需要知晓,本站内容均来源于网络,本站不能确保内容的准确性,请自行甄别。如果您觉得内容有问题,欢迎点击“文章纠错”功能反馈给我们。本文地址:https://www.p6k.net/a/48411.html