王者荣耀铠台词语录 王者荣耀铠台词一览
- 杨幂(主公)
- "我不需要你的帮助!"(Don't need your help!)
- "这是我的战斗!"(This is my fight!)
- "我会让你看到我的强大!"(I'll show you my strength!)
- 项羽(公子)
- "我是西楚霸王,拥有七十二战车的军队!"(I am the King of Western Chu, with a army of 72 war chariots!)
- "你别想逃跑,我会把你带回家!」(Don't think about escaping, I'll bring you back home!)
- 刘庸(小号)
- "我是最强的小号!"(I am the strongest little drum!)
- "你要是敢来攻击我,我就会让你吃苦头!」(If you dare to attack me, I'll make you taste bitter!)
- 赵云(霸王)
- "我的军队比你的更强大!"(My army is stronger than yours!)
- "我会让你看到我的力量!」(I'll show you my power!)
- 貂蝉(貂蝉)
- "我的歌声是最美的!」(My singing voice is the most beautiful!)
- "我会让你被我的歌声吸引!」(I'll make you mesmerized by my singing voice!)
- 王者荣耀是一款MOBA游戏,开发商是天鹅互动。
- 游戏中有多种英雄,每个英雄都有自己的特点和技能。
- 游戏的目标是击败对手的基地,并保护自己基地。
王者荣耀(Mobile Legends: Bang Bang)是一款热门的MOBA手游,游戏中的铠台词是指在战斗中的一句台词或对话。以下是王者荣耀一些著名的铠台词:
- 标枪 (Bowman):
- "射击之神!"(Shooting God!)
- "箭如闪电,敌人如尘土!"(Arrows like lightning, enemies like dust!)
- "射出一支箭,让它在敌人的心上扎进去!"(Shoot one arrow and let it pierce their heart!)
- 战狼 (Fighter):
- "战斗的欢乐是我的生命源泉!"(The joy of battle is my lifeblood!)
- "我是战场上的主宰,让所有的敌人臣服于我!"(I am the master of the battlefield, let all enemies bow down to me!)
- "在这个世界上,我找到了我的归宿——战斗之地!"(In this world, I have found my home - the battlefield!)
- 法师 (Mage):
- "魔法的力量让我能够征服整个世界!"(The power of magic allows me to conquer the entire world!)
- "我拥有无穷的能量,让所有敌人为之一哄不成!"(I have boundless energy, and let all enemies be in awe at my might!)
- "魔法是我的武器,战胜是我的目标!」(Magic is my weapon, victory is my goal!)
- 法师 (Assassin):
- "暗杀之术,让所有敌人在我面前臣服于我!"(The art of assassination makes all enemies bow down to me in my presence!)
- "我是暗夜中的皇者,让所有的敌人为之一哄不成!」(I am the king of the night, and let all enemies be in awe at my might!)
- "我的暗杀之术会让你在我面前瞬间死亡!」(My assassination skills will make you die instantly in front of me!)
- 护卫 (Tank):
- "保护所有的朋友,让所有的敌人为之一哄不成!」(I protect all friends and let all enemies be in awe at my might!)
- "我是战场上的重兵,让所有的敌人为之一哄不成!」(I am the heavy artillery on the battlefield, and let all enemies be in awe at my might!)
- "我的护卫之术会让你在我面前瞬间死亡!」(My protective skills will make you die instantly in front of me!)