
安琪拉王者荣耀的台词有哪些啊 安琪拉王者荣耀的台词有哪些英雄

2024-08-09 25 飞快的夕阳
本文导读安琪拉王者荣耀的台词有哪些啊安琪拉王者荣耀的台词有哪些英雄安琪拉王者荣耀的台词有哪些啊安琪拉是 King of Glory(王者荣耀)中的一名英雄,她是一名女性魔法师,拥有强



安琪拉是 King of Glory(王者荣耀)中的一名英雄,她是一名女性魔法师,拥有强大的魔法攻击能力。下面都是她在游戏中的台词:

“我不会被击败的!” - 我 refuse to be defeated! “我的魔法太强了!” - My magic is too powerful! “你真的很弱小!” - You're really weak and insignificant! “别想逃跑!” - Don't even think about running away! “我会让你感受到我的魔法!” - I'll make you feel my magic! “你的生命力快耗尽了!” - Your life force is almost exhausted! “别开枪!” - Don't shoot! “我是最强的!” - I'm the strongest one! “你想要杀我?” - Do you want to kill me? “我不会饶恕你的!” - I won't forgive you! “你的力量不足够!” - Your power is insufficient! “我会让你明白我的强大!” - I'll make you understand my strength! “你是谁?” - Who are you? “我不会被击败的,所以别想胜过我!” - I won't be defeated, so don't even think about winning against me! “我的魔法太强,根本没有你的水平!” - My magic is too powerful, and it's far beyond your level!



"我会让你感到疼痛" (I'll make you feel pain) - A classic line that showcases Angela's confidence in her marksmanship. "战场上的女王" (The queen of the battlefield) - A phrase that emphasizes Angela's dominance on the field. "我的枪械是我的左手" (My gun is my left hand) - This quote highlights Angela's dependence on her trusty rifle, which is an extension of herself. "我不会放弃任何目标" (I won't give up any target) - A determination that showcases Angela's unwavering focus and commitment to taking down her enemies. "枪械的精准是我的生命" (The precision of my gun is my life) - This quote emphasizes Angela's passion for marksmanship and her dedication to being the best. "我会让你感到被攻击的痛苦" (I'll make you feel the pain of being attacked) - A line that highlights Angela's ability to exploit her enemies' weaknesses. "我的射击技术是无懈可的" (My shooting technique is unstoppable) - This quote showcases Angela's mastery over her weapon and her ability to adapt to any situation. "我会让你感到被摧毁的痛苦" (I'll make you feel the pain of being destroyed) - A line that highlights Angela's ability to take down even the toughest opponents. "我是战争中的女王" (I am the queen of war) - This quote emphasizes Angela's dominance and power on the battlefield.

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